Let’s be real: The candidate with the most money usually wins.
Money doesn’t always mean victory. But let’s be real. It takes *a lot* of money to run for Senate and WIN.
The data doesn’t lie: In the 2020 election cycle, more than 71% of U.S. Senate races were won by the top-spending candidate.

Yeah… Pretty much that. 👆
Republican or Democrat, if you raise the most money, you are just that much *more likely* to win. That’s exactly how Democrats lost when we tried to flip this exact Senate seat in 2016. Though we lost by less than two points, we were outspent by tens of millions of dollars.
This is going to be another expensive Senate race, so I’m humbly asking: Will you donate $5 or more to our campaign, John? In order to win this Senate seat, we *must* build small-dollar strength from supporters like you.
Donate $5
Not only does it matter *how much* we raise for our campaign. It matters a whole lot *how* we raise it. Politics has become far too beholden to monied interests and D.C. elites. I don’t know about you, but I think it’s time we change that.
That's why I'm proud our campaign isn’t accepting a cent of corporate PAC money. That’s why we’re saying no to the special interests and dark money groups. And that's why I signed on to the No Fossil Fuel Money Pledge, a promise NOT to accept contributions from the fossil fuel industry.
According to ActBlue, small-dollar donations to U.S. Senate candidates increased by more than 219% from 2018 to 2020. John, we have a *real shot* at becoming a top-spending, winning Senate campaign in 2022, built the right way. But that means we’re relying on grassroots donors like you even more.
Will you chip in $5 or more to our campaign right now? Every dollar you can give helps grow a winning campaign in all 67 Pennsylvania counties. I’m counting on you.
Donate $5
John Fetterman
Lieutenant Governor of Pennsylvania
P.S. One last thing, John. I wanted to tell you how making a contribution can inspire others to jump on board in the days ahead. Feel like we can win this thing? Click here to chip in $5 or more right now. It all helps grow our campaign. 💪