Our work is cut out for us in the new Congress, John.

It's going to be an all-hands-on-deck effort to undo the damage of the Trump administration and we need your support.

Sign the petition: Join on as a citizen co-sponsor of our progressive agenda.

The last election made clear: America recognizes the urgent need for transformative change across every part of our society.

We need to defeat the COVID pandemic, provide relief for families, combat the climate emergency, fight for racial justice, un-rig the tax code, invest in new infrastructure for the 21st century, and so much more.

The good news is that we have a mandate, John.

Add your name: Join me in urging Congress to take up and pass our progressive platform immediately, and then urge President Joe Biden to sign it into law.

Now isn't the time to be timid. Now isn't the time to defer to Republican extremists who failed for four years to take meaningful action on nearly every issue before us.

We've got a plan. We've got the support. It's time to get moving and get things done.

Sign the petition: Join on as a citizen co-sponsor of our progressive agenda and urge Congress to get going on it right away.

As always, courage. We need it now more than ever.


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