We’ll be streaming live from West Virginia and across the country...

Dear John,


There is no place in America where someone making minimum wage can afford housing, healthcare, food and other essentials, and medical debt is the leading cause of personal bankruptcy in this country.

Join us this Moral Monday for Health Care and Covid Relief with $15/hr at 3pm ET / 12pm PT. We’ll be streaming live with Reverend Barber in West Virginia and from speak-outs in Arizona, California, Illinois, Michigan, New Hampshire, New York, Pennsylvania and Washington D.C. organized in partnership with SEIU, CWA and One Fair Wage.  We’ll hear from people who are making minimum wage, struggling with healthcare, and fighting every day to ensure the transformation we need.


***The online event will be ASL interpreted and open captioned***


The West Virginia Poor People’s Campaign led a powerful Moral Monday this week that got the attention of Sen. Manchin, who requested a meeting after hearing about the protest. Please watch a press conference with some of the low-income workers and leaders from West Virginia after their meeting with Sen. Manchin.


We are building power and changing the narrative! Join us on Monday to keep the pressure up as we expand to eight live locations as well as the national broadcast for folks to join from across the country.


In addition to the events on the ground, we’ll be engaging in a massive call-in action and letter campaign to demand the passage of a real relief bill that includes living wages and healthcare for ALL.


We’ve been put last long enough. Poor and low-wage workers across this country, who have born the brunt of this pandemic, demand full COVID relief with $15/hour federal minimum wage, health care for all, vaccination equity, and immediate Medicaid expansion, and expanded union rights and an end to the ‘right to work’ laws that unfairly disadvantage workers’ ability to organize in 27 states.



Forward together, not one step back!


Rev. Dr. William Barber, II & Rev. Dr. Liz Theoharis