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Weekend Edition, February 20-21, 2021

Imposing the Steal: America’s Great Struggle Session

Vasko Kohlmayer

Marxists Making More Martyrs

Becky Akers

We Will Dig Down to the Root of This Thing That Ravages This Land and Pluck It Out

Allan Stevo

Robinhood and the Washington Idiots at Work

David Stockman

Exposed: The Media Have Been Lying About the Capitol Protests

Issues & Insights

The Lockdown: a Global Scientific Fraud of Unprecedented Proportions

United Health Professionals

The Temporary Collapse of Texas Is Foreshadowing the Total Collapse of the United States

Michael Snyder

Assigning Blame for the Blackouts in Texas

Planning Engineer

The Covid Pandemic Is the Result of Public Health Authorities Blocking Effective Treatment

Paul Craig Roberts

The Texas Crisis Has Again Shown How America Is Both Unable and Unprepared To Protect Its Own People

Tom Fowdy

Covid or No Covid

James Howard Kunstler

The NY Times Recalls an Outbreak of PCR Lies

Jon Rappoport

LRC Blog

Political Theatre
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