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SKY NEWS: ‘Never before’ has the leader of the free world [Biden] been ‘so cognitively compromised’
WOW. A legacy media outlet telling like it is. The free world is in free fall.

‘Never before’ has the leader of the free world been ‘so cognitively compromised’

Sky News, February 19, 2021:

It is clear US President Joe Biden is ...

Degenerate Democrats Introduce Bill to BAN TRUMP From Being Buried in Arlington National Cemetery
Disappearing the people's President in the brutal fashion of Stalin, Mao, Hitler.

Pure evil.

Democrats Introduce Bill to Ban Trump From Being Buried in Arlington National Cemetery

By: Caleb Parke, Feb 18, 2021

A new bill in Congress ...

Russian Foreign Ministry Calls Out Biden Administration For Persecution And Violating Human Rights Of Trump Supporters
When Russia has the moral high ground and exposes human rights violations, you know this is not America anymore. Especially since this is very true.  This is a nation under siege.

Photo: U.S. Department of State Spokesperson Jennifer Psaki — ...

Biden To Rejoin Disastrous Nuclear Deal, Abandons UN Sanctions on Iran
Well that didn't take long. The Biden Administration is going to appease the Islamic Republic of Iran. Expect the United States to re-enter the genocidal JCPOA (Iran Nuclear Deal) in the months ahead. Elections have consequences. Horrific and ...

Obama Official Ben Rhodes Goes on Anti-Jewish Tirade, Invoking Vile Antisemitic Tropes
Ben Rhodes is a despicable human being. One of the worst Israel-haters from the Obama Administration. Where are America's Jewish groups who proudly condemned Marjorie Taylor Greene over a nothing burger?

Ben Rhodes told @J_Insider that ...

Trump Refuses Meet with Nikki Haley after Capitol Riot Criticism
Living for this: Haley’s betrayal of Trump has inversely, in the words of Haley (referring to Trump), lost her any sort of political viability she was going to have.

Good. Nikki Haley is trying to use President Trump for political purposes. ...


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