Friends – do you know about the New York Attorney General?? If you don’t, you should.

New York AG Letitia James made history in 2018 when she became the first woman of color elected statewide in New York. From the moment she took office, she’s worked hard to hold some of the most powerful accountable, from the NRA to Trump himself – and she’s winning.


CNN: "The New York AG's first 100 days of war against Trump"


AG James is a force to be reckoned with, and people everywhere are taking notice. The Root called her, "the black woman standing up to Trump and all his racist policies, while POLITICO just named her one of the top 19 power players in 2019. And The Hill said she is a “powerful new rival” to Trump.

Democratic AGs like Letitia James have had tremendous success protecting our democracy. That’s why The Nation called Attorneys General “the most important office in the Trump era” and said they are “key to holding the White House to account.”

But that success has made them a target. Unprecedented amounts of dark money were spent in AG races in 2018, and Republicans have already spent millions this year.

There are over a dozen AG seats up for grabs in 2019 and 2020, with the chance to elect even more historic candidates like Tish. But we just checked the numbers and we’re falling behind our critical end-of-quarter goal. Can we count on you to give $1 or more right now to elect Democratic AGs and protect our firewall against Trump and right-wing Republicans?

Email: [email protected]
Supporter ID: 1371688
Democratic Justice Fund Membership: PENDING

2019 Democratic Justice Fund

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