Hi Friend,

I can’t believe what’s going on in Washington. 

Millions of hardworking Americans lost their jobs and businesses because of the pandemic. And instead of trying to get them back to work, our elected leaders want to destroy even more jobs. 

They also will make it harder for women to earn a living while balancing virtual school or caring for an aging parent. 

What am I talking about?

Congress is poised to make California’s job-killing AB5 the law in all 50 states by passing the Protecting the Right to Organize (PRO) Act.

Among many other harmful proposals, the PRO Act would change the employment status of millions of our nation’s independent contractors. 

Men and women in countless occupations would lose the flexibility to work on their own schedule and the freedom to be their own boss. In fact, they would lose out on work altogether.

We saw what happened in California because of AB5. 

Lisa Rothstein, a marketing professional, was happy as an independent contractor after years of working for advertising agencies. But AB5 slashed her business. Lisa feels “targeted and victimized” by this law:
“It never occurred to me that people in Sacramento were plotting to make my livelihood illegal.”
Stand Up for Workers Like Lisa
Jon Garner is a copywriter with decades of experience who drew the short end of the stick with AB5. Freelancing kept him afloat when we was between jobs. At age 68 freelancing kept him and his wife financially stable. But now, because of AB5, he is struggling financially:

“I believe that hundreds of thousands of seniors who need to work can’t because of AB5. With her income and Social Security, we are able to make the house payment, but we have very little left over."
Stand Up for Workers Like Jon
Aaron Gayden earns a living as the lead singer of the Aaron Gayden Band. Across his different gigs, he was doing well for himself and his family. Then, AB5 created nearly impossible hurdles to continue his work… even before the pandemic struck:   

“Most band members are independent, not employees of the band. It would not be sustainable to make them employees.” 

As he explained, workers’ compensation, payroll, and other labor-related costs make it infeasible. As events return, Aaron is trying to figure out how he can keep doing what he loves.
Stand Up for Workers Like Aaron
We cannot allow the PRO Act to do to the nation what AB5 did to California workers. 

Like AB5, the PRO Act is the wrong policy at the wrong time.

Stand up for independent contractors and freelancers. Do not allow AB5 to become the law of the land.

Yours in the fight,
Patrice Onwuka