The American Mind’s Weekly Digest 
The Center for the American Way of Life
A new initiative devoted to reinvigorating and restoring conservatism headquartered in Washington, DC.

Read Executive Director Arthur Milikh's opening statement here.
Rush Limbaugh, R.I.P.
The Editors
A patriot passes.
The Doctor is In(sane)
Peachy Keenan
Your Pediatrician Wants a Word—Alone—with Your Teen.
Walk Away from Never Trump
Helen Roy
The Lincoln Project isn’t the only purveyor of fake conservative grift.
Homeschoolers Use the Internet, Too.
Nathan Leamer
Expand Internet connectivity for all kids, not just those in public school.
"Action Civics" Replaces Citizenship with Partisanship
Stanley Kurtz
State lawmakers must protect education from activism.
Woke Politics are a Disaster for Minorities
Joel Kotkin
The Biden Administration is on track to stiff our desperate working class.
The Roundtable Episode #57
Rush Limbaugh passed away this week—his work touched tens of millions of people, our editors included. Then there’s Governor Cuomo, who is embroiled in a scandal after covering up COVID nursing home deaths from the public. Plus: the Claremont Institute has launched a new DC-based branch: The Center for the American Way of Life. Arthur Milikh, the Center’s executive director, joins to talk about reclaiming a more robust kind of conservatism.
Issue Out Now!
The new Winter 2020/21 issue of the Claremont Review of Books is now online. Although most content is reserved for our subscribers, we've unlocked a few essays and book reviews for all to enjoy!

You can find a sampling of those free articles below, and we invite you to peruse the full table of contents of the new issue here.