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Dear John,

Since the day President Trump took office, he and his administration placed vulnerable and marginalized communities—including transgender people—in their cross-hairs.

It started on inauguration day when the administration scrubbed all mentions of LGBTQ people from the websites of the White House, Department of State, and Department of Labor. And the Department of Health and Human Services just allowed hospitals discriminating against LGBTQ patients to receive Medicare and Medicaid funds.

We’ve been keeping track of his major anti-LGBTQ attacks and this brings our list to 60. Enough is enough. Please help the NCTE Action Fund undo the damage and work towards progress. Donate $60 today for each of his 60 anti-LGBTQ actions. We know the Trump Administration will not stop, so we will not stop either.

Although all of these actions feel personal, this last one struck a chord with me. Usually for my birthday (today), I email you with a light hearted message. However, just 10 days ago, the Trump Administration launched their 60th attack. Today, on my 60th birthday it feels different. The onslaught seems never ending on trans folks across the country—students, service members, immigrants, and those just trying to access health care. More than ever, we need to continue to fight. We need you. Donate at least $60 now to help us hold the Trump Administration accountable now and for the next year.

We know that 60 is a lot. We know that more attacks are coming. And we know there would be more if we weren’t all fighting together. Because of you, we’ve fought back on each and every one of those 60 actions. We need you again for his next one. We won’t win every time—at least not yet—but with your support today, we can continue to defend each and every attack lobbied against us.

We promise to continue our progress towards full justice and equality. And we hope you will too. Thank you for your help.

In Solidarity,
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Mara Keisling, Executive Director
National Center for Transgender Equality
National Center for Transgender Equality Action Fund

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National Center for Transgender Equality Action Fund
1133 19th St. NW, Suite 302, Washington, DC 20036


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