From Bishop for Congress <[email protected]>
Subject we’ll always be honest
Date February 19, 2021 8:30 PM
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John, Team Bishop will always be honest with you.

And right now since the Georgia Runoff ended, donations have slowed down quite a bit.

We need to build up a healthy election fund for Congressman Bishop to keep his leadership in Congress and to make sure Georgia stays blue.

Your donations mean so much. Donations help reach voters, pay staff, purchase yard signs, and most importantly, they help elect Democrats that have your best interest at heart.

Please commit to this effort by making a one-time or monthly donation right away:

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Over the years Congressman Bishop has stayed true to his promises for Georgia. Now, with not one, but TWO Democratic Senators from Georgia, we can pass legislation that makes a real difference in the lives of Georgians.

But this progress isn’t promised, John.

Making sure Congressman Bishop has every resource now to push for progress is critical. And donations early mean so much more.

Will you show Congress Bishop you have his back to make progress for Georgians by committing to donate today?

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Thank you,

Team Bishop

Paid for by Sanford Bishop for Congress

Sanford Bishop for Congress
P.O. Box 909
Columbus GA 31902 United States

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