Dear John,

Protect the Grand Canyon. Demand our wild places not be exploited for Big Polluters.

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Our public lands, including the Grand Canyon, have been under attack. Take action now.

The Trump Administration dismantled protections for our public lands to increase the profits of his Big Polluter cronies. But now we have a chance to protect our public lands and wild places -- including the Grand Canyon.

Congress is considering a permanent ban on uranium mining near Grand Canyon National Park -- protecting rivers and public health. Together, we can use our voices to push our Representatives to pass this bill and protect the Grand Canyon.

Take action now to protect the Grand Canyon from uranium mining.

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This legislation, introduced by Representative Raúl Grijalva, would prevent mining near the Grand Canyon -- one of America’s most iconic landscapes. But that’s not all.

This sweeping public lands package will protect 1.49 million acres of public land as wilderness, incorporate more than 1,000 river miles into the National Wild and Scenic Rivers System, and withdraw more than 1.2 million acres of public land from mining claims and new oil and gas leases.

In short, this legislation would free our lands from destructive industries like fossil fuels and uranium mining. Can we count on your help to push through this vital legislation?

Demand your Representative protect our wild places by supporting the Protecting America’s Wilderness and Public Lands Act.

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Our iconic places are home to critical species that have depended on them for generations. Seven endangered species and three threatened species depend on the Grand Canyon alone. Dozens of other threatened species depend on the 1.49 million acres of land that are included in this legislation.

What’s more, communities near the Grand Canyon would benefit from protections from uranium mining. They would not have to face newly polluted air and toxic water. And the local tourism-driven economy would benefit from a wide range of outdoor activities -- hiking, rafting, mountain climbing, and kayaking could proactively be managed for increased tourism.

With a Democratic Congress and White House, there’s no time like the present to protect our wild places.

30,000 signatures still needed to protect our wild places from Big Polluters.

Sign Now

Standing with you,
Nicole Ghio,
Senior fossil fuels program manager,
Friends of the Earth
