Hi ,
I hope you’re staying warm during these frigid few weeks.
I wanted to share a reflection of mine as we witness our country becoming more divided as each day passes.
It seems like every institution in America, from A – Z, has taken the time to stop and scold the average American for “internalized racism”. It doesn’t matter if you are BIPOC (black, Indigenous, and people of color), married to a BIPOC, adopted a BIPOC, you are just in denial. However, their attack on us and the English language (no more new acronyms) is a smoke screen to hide 50-years of failure to the communities they are supposed to serve.
For fifty years their policies have made conditions worse in nearly every Black community from the east to the west coast and everyplace in between, including the Twin Cities.
Ironically, they have been blaming you for their failures and the media has been complicit with the charade. No other institution or private company in the country would retain the same leaders while people and performance suffered year after year.
For example, the Census Bureau American Community Survey revealed that childhood poverty drops over 80% when marriage is the only variable. However, there are no initiatives at the county, state, or federal level to encourage marriage in minority communities. This is only one of many examples we plan to expose in the coming months ahead.
Stay tuned and learn more about our cultural transformation project to restore the American Black family by visiting our website, TAKECHARGEMN.com. This initiative is focused on returning to cultural roots of faith, family, and education. We're doing that with the help of our ambassadors, real people who have taken charge of their lives and are living out the values that create improvement. Here is just ONE of those stories: Jaslyne and her husband have a two-year-old daughter.

TakeCharge is about ACTION. We’re about bearing FRUIT. We’re about RESULTS. In the next four weeks, we’ll launch a project that will begin a national transformation beginning in Minneapolis.
Stay tuned and strap on your seat belts! It is going to be an exciting ride.
Thanks for reading,

Kendall Qualls
President - TakeCharge MN