Broad coalition of groups weigh in on property rights at the Supreme Court

On March 22, PLF will argue Cedar Point Nursery v. Hassid before the Supreme Court, one of the most important cases involving property rights in recent memory. PLF is fighting for the property rights of the growers, and to ensure that the fundamental right to exclude applies to the growers as it does to all Americans.

In addition to the arguments PLF will be presenting before the Court, a number of friend-of-the-court (amicus) briefs filed in favor of our clients will also make important arguments on the significance of strong property rights.

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Kentucky governor strikes back against legislature’s attempt to rein in his use of emergency powers

Since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, governors across the country have been using their emergency powers to enact laws they believed would mitigate the spread of the virus.

Daniel Dew explains how in Kentucky, the legislature checked the governor’s unconstitutional use of his emergency power, and how the debate has wound up in the courts.

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The PRO Act’s ‘ABC test’ fails American workers

The Protecting the Right to Organize Act threatens the freedom of millions of independent contractors, at a moment when Americans most need freedom and flexibility in their employment.

With Democrats controlling the House of Representatives and Senate, and with the support of President Biden, it is only a matter of time until the PRO Act becomes a priority. Caleb Trotter and Jim Manley write in The Hill why that could be a dangerous blow to American workers.

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