Hi there,
Today, I want to share the story of my son Wyatt, and how supporters like you helped him discover the joy of sports and his true potential as a competitor.
But, writing about Wyatt is hard for me because it starts with the scariest moments of my life. Wyatt was born with cerebral palsy and his prognosis wasn’t good. Doctors told us he likely wouldn’t walk and maybe wouldn’t live.
Wyatt was so small in my hands, but he was a fighter then –– and still is today. He plays tennis and basketball with Special Olympics Nebraska and just absolutely thrives on the court. It’s amazing to see how far we’ve come thanks to the support of this community.
When you become a Special Olympics monthly donor, you send consistent hope and opportunity to Wyatt and the millions of other athletes like him. You embrace parents like me who just want their child to have a fair chance. It’s transformative and so meaningful. Please, start your monthly donation today:

Like so many families, the past 11 months have been especially challenging for us. Wyatt has active airway disease which puts him at greater risk for COVID-19. He misses his sports routines, his teammates, and the basketball court. But, we’re so thankful Special Olympics has been there for Wyatt during this difficult time. The virtual workout programs have helped him stay healthy, connected, and active so he’s ready to take the courts when it’s safe.
Your monthly contribution ensures Wyatt and athletes everywhere have teams to return to once games and competitions start up again. Plus, with your continued commitment we can get even more people with intellectual disabilities (ID) into the game so they can feel included, celebrated, and loved just like Wyatt.
My son is confident, inspiring, and motivated because he found his place in the world with Special Olympics. Together, we can make stories like Wyatt’s possible for so many other families.
Let’s reach every person with ID who dreams of becoming an athlete! Make your first monthly gift today:
Thank you for your support,
Rick Spalding
Wyatt’s Dad