[[link removed]]Dear John,
Right now, those in power are working on plans that would limit our ability to
challenge bad decisions and injustice.
For over 20 years, the Human Rights Act (HRA) has given ordinary people the
ability to challenge the Government and public institutions when they get it
But it’s under threat. A review of the HRA is taking place that could see
fundamental rights and safeguards stripped away. It is a part of a concerted
attack on our ability to stand up to power.
At the same time plans are underway to limit judicial review, which gives the
public the ability to challenge injustices in court. For instance, it’s thanks
to judicial review that children with learning-disabilities have been able to
challenge their local councils and get back to full-time education with the
support they need.
Campaigning to save our rights
Over the coming months we’ll need your help to stop these plans. We’ll be
working to get the message out so as many people as possible know about these
grave threats to our rights.
Our members and supporters will be key to spreading the word, taking action on
our campaign and keeping up the pressure to ensure we can continue to hold those
in power to account.
Today, you can order a copy of our guide to the Human Rights Act
[[link removed]] . Use it to know your rights and learn about how the HRA has helped achieve
justice for countless people.
In the coming weeks, we’ll be in touch with more information on how you can get
involved with the fight to protect our rights.
Best wishes
Sam Grant
Head of Policy and Campaigns
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