ANALYSIS-With U.S. return to Paris Agreement, stars align for accelerated climate action

The United States re-enters the Paris Agreement on climate change on Friday, setting the stage for a boost in global efforts to meet the pact's goals to curb planetary heating

Teed off: As COVID fuels S. Africa's housing crisis, golf courses feel the heat

Housing uncertainty in South Africa is triggering activists to hone in on the country's 450 golf courses

Honduran LGBT+ advocates in legal bid to stop same-sex marriage 'lock'

Last month, members of the Honduran Congress voted to amend the constitution to make it harder to reverse existing hard-line bans on abortion and same-sex marriage

Russia's far east aims for unexpected climate target: net zero by 2025

The Sakhalin region plans to move away from fossil fuels and pilot the first carbon market in an oil and gas-rich country widely seen as unambitious on climate action

Uber drivers entitled to worker rights, UK's top court rules

The Supreme Court ruling could help expand rights for million of other workers in the 'gig' economy

World's tropical forests and people imperiled by legal rollbacks under COVID-19

Brazil, Indonesia, Colombia, Peru and DR Congo have weakened regulations to boost economic growth

Insecurity, suspicion will mar vaccine rollout in Africa war zones

A feeling the vaccine is not a priority, suspicion of taking a "foreign" drug and the threat of attacks by militants are just some of the challenges health workers will face getting vaccines to millions in Africa's conflict zones, say charities

Facebook's Australia news ban hits charities and social services

As Facebook pulls Australian media content from its platform, domestic violence charities and support services get caught in the crossfire

DIY-style school helps educate Indian migrants facing eviction

The low-cost school that's easy to build and dismantle has won global praise and local recognition

'Big Witches' survive eviction in Portugal to become trans music stars

Brazilian Ɓquila Correia founded Casa T in Lisbon, Portugal, to house trans migrants after getting evicted when the COVID-19 pandemic hit

From sewage to oasis: Female duo create Johannesburg green corridor

Merging art, science and activism, two women are on a mission to save one of the city's biggest and most polluted rivers

* Feel free to republish the Thomson Reuters Foundation stories above as long as credit is given.


OPINION: No more excuses: investors throw climate spotlight on heavy industry

Investors are ramping up the pressure on industrial sectors like steel and cement to ensure they turn long-term targets into practical reality

OPINION: Everyone is needed in the new global push to protect nature

An ambitious international agreement to protect biodiversity is within reach - but if it is to succeed, business and civil society must play their part, alongside governments

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