19 Feb 2021
go to online version [2]
Webinar: Climate Neutrality and the Transport Sector - the Road to Zero [3]
Cars, planes, trains and boats make up about 25% of EU emissions, and yet,
transport is one of the most stubborn sectors -- emissions have not been
decreasing, and in fact have continued to go up (EEA, 2020 [4]).
We need a major shift in the transport sector to reach climate neutrality.
But what do we need to do to reach net-zero? What challenges do we face and
how can we tackle them?
Join us for a panel presentation and discussion about what needs to happen
in the transport sector to put Europe on track to meeting our climate
neutrality goals.
FEB 23RD - 18.00 CET
Register now! [3]
2 new Green Minsters in Sweden! [5]
Congratulations to the 2 new ministers from Miljöpartiet de Gröna, the
Swedish Green Party, in the Swedish Government!
Read more [5]
Let's sit down and talk about recovery [6]
At the 31st EGP Council in June 2020 we adopted the resolution that
explains our common position. Coronavirus Recovery: Let's build a better
As part of the Campaign, EGP is producing 8 videos, following the 8 points
of the Resolution.
Read more [6]
The EU is close to finalising a trade agreement with Argentina, Brazil,
Paraguay and Uruguay - or Mercosur.
The deal would be a disaster for climate and human rights. It is estimated
to accelerate deforestation in the region by 25% annually. This trade
policy is not compatible with the European Green Deal and the Paris
Sign the petition to save the Amazon! [7]
Greens/EFA call for global and equitable access to vaccines and European
Containment Strategy [8]
Read more [8]
The European Pillar of Social Rights: the tool for a just climate
transition? [9]
Live Webinar - Friday 19th February - 11.00 CET
Read more [9]
Project assistant - Local councillors' program [10]
The Project assistant is responsible for the program for local councillors'
program, a network of Green councillors around Europe. She/he works in the
Program unit of the EGP office and is supervised by the Head of Unit. [10]
Read more [10]
We hosted the first meeting between Green mayors! [11]
Green ideas and solutions come from all across Europe, and are strengthened
through collaboration!
Read more [11]
Congratulations En Comú Podem and Jessica Albiach for the dynamic and
successful campaign [12]
We wish you the best of luck in your mandates to make Catalonia a greener
Read more [12]
23 Feb
18.00 - Online
Webinar: Climate Neutrality and the Transport Sector - the Road to Zero [3]
More info [3]
28-30 May
33rd European Green Party Council
More info soon
Godparenthood for political prisoners in Belarus [13]
In July 2020, exactly one month before the presidential elections in
Belarus on 9 August 2020, Libereco has launched the solidarity campaign
#WeStandBYyou. As part of this campaign, members of European parliaments
take over godparenthood for political prisoners in the EU neighbouring
state. [13]
Read more [13]
Call for a Communications Intern [14]
Call for delegates: Young Green Forum [15]
Change Europe
Donate Green
Even a small donation will help
in our campaigns!
Donate now [16]
European Greens (c) 2021
Funded by the European Parliament. Sole liability remains with the author.
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