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** Your daily media briefing - Friday 19 February
In the Media <[link removed]> is our daily collection of news and commentary related to secularism, available delivered to your inbox. You can also read the latest news <[link removed]> and opinion <[link removed]> and listen to our podcasts <[link removed]> on our website.
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** Secularism in the media
* Last-minute plea for help in fixing Scottish hate crime bill <[link removed]>
Holyrood has announced a last-minute consultation on addressing a fundamental issue with the Scottish government's hate crime bill.
The Herald
* Calls to make at home early abortions permanent as major study finds they pose no greater risk <[link removed]>
Leading healthcare providers have called for at home early abortions to be made permanent.
The Independent
* IICSA: survivors speak of influence of religion <[link removed]>
Being raised in a highly religious community is seen by victims and survivors of child sexual abuse as one factor affecting their experience, according to a new report from the Independent Inquiry into Child Sexual Abuse.
Church Times*
* ‘Emma Barnett grilled a Muslim leader about female imams. Was she wrong?’ <[link removed]>
In a free society, forensic questioning on a public platform such as the BBC's Woman's Hour is not merely legitimate — it is necessary.
The Article
* BBC receives 564 complaints over Woman’s Hour interview with Zara Mohammed <[link removed]>
The BBC has received 564 complaints over a Woman's Hour interview with the first female leader of the Muslim Council of Britain.
Belfast Telegraph
* MPs urge government to bring forward legislation banning gay conversion therapy <[link removed]>
Boris Johnson's government must "prioritise" delivering on previous commitments ahead of the queen's speech, including bringing forward long-awaited legislation to ban the practice of gay conversion therapy, MPs have urged.
The Independent
* Northern Ireland anti-abortion group's 'misinformation' about Covid jab causing infertility criticised by WHO
An anti-abortion group's false claims that the Covid-19 vaccine is linked to infertility have been criticised by the World Health Organisation.
The Irish News
* Christian couple fined £18,000 after refusing to close shop during lockdown <[link removed]>
A Christian couple in Worcestershire who say they they feel spiritually inspired to stand up for their freedoms have been issued fines totalling up £18,000 after refusing to close their shop during lockdown.
Premier Christian News
* Irish churches oppose assisted dying bill <[link removed]>
Both the Anglican and Roman Catholic Churches in Ireland have urged the abandonment of a Bill to legalise assisted dying.
Church Times*
* South Carolina House passes bill banning most abortions <[link removed]>
South Carolina's House has overwhelmingly passed a bill banning nearly all abortions, following the lead of other states with similar measures that would go into effect if the US Supreme Court were to overturn Roe v. Wade.
AP News
* Italian footballer fined €5,000 for blasphemous comments <[link removed]>
Juventus goalkeeper Gianluigi Buffon has been fined €5,000 but avoided a suspension after using a "blasphemous expression" during a match.
** Latest from the NSS
* Confusion over free speech protection on religion in hate crime bill <[link removed]>
New proposals could substantially weaken the protection for free speech on religion in the Scottish government's current hate crime bill.
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