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‘Chattering liberal elites’ encouraged BLM ‘insurrectionary behaviour’
Which is why the Democrats are pinning their civil war tactics on us – it's what they do. Projection.

‘Chattering liberal elites’ at worst encouraged BLM ‘insurrectionary behaviour’

By: Sky News, February 18, 2021:

Author Andy ...

President Trump answers if he’ll run again, comments on Biden his future on social media
Watch. President Trump is laying the groundwork for a presidential run in 2024.

Related – Trump: If Only McConnell Hit Schumer, Biden as Hard as Me

Greg Kelly: "You're going to run for President in 2024, right?

Trump: ". . . I won't ...

Rabbis: Ilhan Omar’s Promotion Shows ‘Antisemitism Now Accepted in Congress’

Rabbis: Ilhan Omar's Promotion Shows 'Anti-Semitism Now Accepted in Congress'

By: Joel Pollak, Breitbart News, February 2021:

The Coalition for Jewish Values (CJV), the largest rabbinic public policy organization in America, ...

Michigan Removed 177,000 Voters from Voter Rolls in January After Certifying Biden Won Michigan by 154,000 Votes in November
So crooked …..

Biden is not legitimate.

Michigan Removed 177,000 Voters from Voter Rolls in January After Certifying Biden Won Michigan by 154,000 Votes in November

By: Jim Hoft, Gateway Pundit, February 2021:

Micchigan now admits ...

BIMBO ERUPTION: Kamala Harris Stammers Incoherently When Confronted About Biden ☭ Admin’s Failure to Reopen Schools
Super spreader at a loss for words…..

There is no threat to children from the China virus. But the Democrats have taken them hostage and forced them to fear the outside world and even human faces. A generation of serial killers …… ...

Left-Wing Teachers Want Shakespeare Cut From Curriculum: ‘This Is About White Supremacy’
This is about destroying the mind and the basic tenets of Western civilization. War against the civilized man.

Woke teachers want Shakespeare cut from curriculum: 'This is about White supremacy'

By James Varney, The Washington Times, ...

White House coronavirus adviser stumbles, struggles to explain similar virus numbers despite differing lockdown approaches
Sweden was right.

But the failed, despotic Democrats have dug in and now want to make multiple masks mandatory.

White House coronavirus adviser struggles to explain similar virus numbers despite differing lockdown approaches

White House ...

Democrats, Leftists Celebrate Rush Limbaugh’s Death with heinous death tweets
Totally disgusting, but entirely predictable.

‘I’m Glad Rush Limbaugh Lived Long Enough To Get Cancer And Die.’ Blue-Check Leftists Celebrate Rush Limbaugh’s Death

By Daily Wire, February 17, 2021

Following an unfortunately ...


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