Folks, I have some BIG news for you: I have been appointed to serve as chair of the powerful House Homeland Cybersecurity, Infrastructure Protection, and Innovation Subcommittee.

The Cybersecurity, Infrastructure Protection and Innovation Subcommittee legislates and oversees key homeland security measures. We work to enhance collaboration on cybersecurity across the 16 critical infrastructure sectors and initiate the sharing of cyber threat information between the private sector and federal, state, and local partners.

I am so excited for this opportunity and honored by the trust given to me by those in my party and the people in New York’s 9th Congressional district. This committee will help make America safer, and I’m ready to roll up my sleeves and get to work.

We’ll be working on addressing the most recent SolarWinds hack by conducting robust hearings into what happened and how our cybersecurity was compromised. This hack is a lesson, and we must never let it happen again. 

And while we continue to investigate the hack, we also need to ensure that we’re looking towards the future. From now on, cybersecurity improvements must be included in any infrastructure package. During this new age of high tech, we need to ensure that our infrastructure and our communities are protected from foreign adversaries - a goal which this committee will work diligently on. 

So, thank you for your ongoing support. I’m proud to hold this chair position and I’m ready to continue to fight for you, friend.









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