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September 28, 2019
Aloha, Friend! This’ll be short and sweet.
If you support my service in Congress for our Hawai’i and country, I ask for your contribution to my re-election campaign by September 30th.
The end of the fundraising quarter is an important marker for any campaign and mine is no different.
We have no announced opponent at this time but we take nothing for granted and would be foolish not to prepare now for a full campaign.
It will mean everything to my campaign team and me if you can help us by September 30th.
Any amount, up to the maximum of $2,800 per person, will be deeply appreciated.
You can contribute easily online right here, or else mail your donation using the info there, or call us at (808) 546-9509 and we can do it over the phone.
Please let me know of any questions. I am truly grateful for your consideration and support and for the responsibility of serving you.
PAID FOR BY CASE FOR CONGRESS * P.O. Box 2941 * Honolulu, Hawaii 96802
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