Please email the L.A. County Board of Supervisors in support of hazard pay for frontline grocery and drug retail workers.  
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A previous version of this email listed an incorrect item number for the temporary hazard pay ordinance for frontline-grocery and drug retail workers.

Please use the template below to show your support for ITEM 10: "Hero Pay" for Frontline-Grocery and Drug Retail Employees in Los Angeles County.

L.A.'s essential workers risk their health each day to keep Angelenos fed and connected to the critical resources we need. They've supported us throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, and they're counting on us to support them.

On February 23, the Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors will vote on establishing a temporary ordinance of $5 hazard pay for grocery and drug retail workers. It is crucial they hear from you.

The temporary reinstatement of a $5 hazard pay for grocery and drug retail workers would be a four month commitment to workers who for almost a year have put their health on the line for the sake of our communities. As threats of new variants of the virus emerge, it's critical to pass a policy that protects the rights and dignity of working people.

Workers deserve hazard pay for hazardous work. This is the right policy for this unprecedented moment. 
Please submit an email by FEBRUARY 22 at 3 p.m. urging the L.A. County Board of Supervisors to make hazard pay a reality for frontline grocery and drug retail workers.
In Solidarity,

Roxana Tynan
LAANE Executive Director

Email Template: 
You can find who your Board of Supervisor representative is by entering your address here. Please use the template below to submit one email that includes: [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; and [email protected]

My name is _____ and I live in District __ [insert which district you live in and/or your organization, union, or business]. I’m writing to express my strong support for Item 10: "Hero Pay” for Frontline-Grocery and Drug Retail Employees in Los Angeles County.

Grocery and drug retail workers have for the past year called on corporations to reinstate hazard pay as companies see record profits. Major grocers and drug retailers quietly let the hazard pay they once offered at the start of the pandemic expire as COVID rates soar and threats of new variants of the virus emerge. The temporary reinstatement of a $5 hazard pay for grocery and drug retail workers would be a four month commitment to workers who for almost a year have put their health on the line for the sake of our communities.

Grocery and drug retail workers have risked their lives on the frontlines for months to keep our communities fed and connected to the critical resources we have needed throughout the pandemic. Many of these workers have become the primary earners in their households as families struggle under the combined weight of COVID-19 and widespread unemployment. Working Angelenos, especially families of color, have not been able to shelter in place throughout the pandemic because they are more likely to hold essential jobs and face an increased exposure to COVID.
This is the right policy for this unprecedented moment. Please protect the rights and dignity of working people by reinstating hazard pay for frontline grocery and drug retail workers. Thank you for your leadership.
LAANE is a leading advocacy organization dedicated to building a new economy for all. Combining dynamic research, innovative public policy and the organizing of broad alliances, LAANE promotes a new economic approach based on good jobs, thriving communities, and a healthy environment.
Copyright © 2020, Los Angeles Alliance for a New Economy.

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