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 News of the Week

The Policy Shop: Subways Every Six Minutes, Green Infrastructure and Childcare for All
Candidates for NYC mayor and other posts continued to publish big ideas for the city’s problems, including hunger, transit, gun violence and a pitch for universal childcare for kids as young as one.

Lawsuits Seeking to Stop Two Bridges Development Overturned in Appellate Court
A panel of appellate judges on Tuesday reversed an earlier injunction halting the contentious Two Bridges project — a major setback for Lower East Side community groups, which have been waging a legal battle against the city and developers.

Nonprofits Say They’ve Felt a Legal Squeeze from the De Blasio Administration
Parks groups and BIDs believe the city has tried to offload legal liability onto small organizations that are built to rally volunteers and sweep plazas, not battle lawsuits.

First Nepali American Candidate Running for NYC Council in Queens
Businessman and realtor Nabaraj KC is one of five running for the eastern Queens seat.

Proof-of-Work Requirements May Keep Eligible Immigrant Workers From Vaccines, Advocates Worry


The Check In:
What’s a Borough President, Anyway?

The 2021 elections include beep races in every borough. On the latest episode of The Check In, Jarrett Murphy explains what a borough president does, how the office has changed over the years and who’s running in Staten Island and The Bronx.


Differences Emerge Among Candidates in Bronx Special Election

NYCD-16 Indivisible and City Limits present a candidates' forum for the March 23 special election to fill the 11th District seat in the Bronx. Candidates Carlton Berkley, Eric Dinowitz, Jessica Haller, Mino Lora and Daniel Padernacht join moderator Jarrett Murphy for a 75-minute discussion of COVID-19, the budget, policing, planning, housing and more.

The 2021 municipal races are well underway, and CityVote is here to stay. 

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Una Ciudad sin Límites

Según la senadora estatal Julia Salazar, el proyecto de ley ya cuenta con “nueve copatrocinadores”, uno más de los que muestra el registro en línea.

Defensores advierten que requisitos como ‘prueba de trabajo’ pueden dificultar la vacunación de trabajadores inmigrantes elegibles
Aquellos que son elegibles para la vacunación debido a sus trabajos deben presentar documentación de su trabajo, como una tarjeta de identificación, una carta de su empleador o un recibo de pago, lo que un defensor de inmigrantes llama ‘una barrera innecesaria e insuperable’, para aquellos que carecen de autorización de trabajo.
  El 14 de enero pasado el presidente Joe Biden presentó su plan de ayuda de emergencia de $1.9 billones de dólares y desde entonces se ha trabajado en sus detalles, pero ¿qué incluye y cómo podría beneficiar a los latinos?

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City Views

Opinions on Policy and Politics
Opinion: Making Sure Formerly Incarcerated New Yorkers Know Their Voting Rights
‘During the three months we set up shop in Harlem every Saturday, we encountered scores of people who thought that because they had a felony conviction and/or they were on parole, they could not vote.’

Opinion: Protect NYC’s Small Businesses By Supporting Street Vendors and Brick-and-Mortars Together
‘Street vendors and brick-and-mortars are struggling for many of the same reasons… Lifting the cap on permits for street vendors and ending the exploitative underground market is a key part of a larger toolkit to protect all vulnerable small businesses.’

Opinion: Supporting NYC’s Immigrant Arts Ecosystem Through Crisis and Beyond
‘Yet while immigrants now account for nearly one-third of all artists in the city and play an essential role anchoring New York’s position as a global leader in contemporary culture, the pandemic is threatening their livelihoods.’

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