Dear Mr. xxxxxx,

Did you see Alvin's message to you last week about fighting back against the Democrats LIES?

It's critical we continue to EXPOSE their lies and RECLAIM Black voters so -- or else our values will be in "Serious Jeopardy"!

So please read Alvin's message to you below and chip-in whatever you can today.

        - Margaret

You're receiving this email because you support our mission to reclaim Black voters by destroying the Liberal Lies. If you're giving up on this critical fight, then please let us know to stop receiving emails.

Your update from Black America's PAC

Dear Mr. xxxxxx,

What Dr. Ben Carson said is absolutely true:

Serious Trouble...

Even worse, conservatives will find it increasingly difficult to win U.S. Senate seats in swing states -- putting your conservative values in serious jeopardy!

And nobody knows this more than the Democrats.

Liberal race-baiters have launched an all-out assault on outspoken, Black conservatives - like Dr. Ben Carson, Sen. Tim Scott, and Sheriff Clarke...

...because they know their stranglehold on Black voters depends on it.

You see, these Black Republicans help destroy the LIBERAL LIES that conservatives like you and me are all RACIST which keeps Blacks voting for Democrats.

You and I both know that isn't true, but Black voters only hear the liberal side of the story that says only government can create prosperity. They never hear the truth about conservatism.

Dr. Ben Carson: The real problem is... "The real problem is that most minorities have never heard the truth... They've only heard the liberal side of the story."
- Dr. Ben Carson

I'm hoping you'll help me fight back against the hateful Liberal Lies, but first let me tell you the BIG secret liberals do NOT want you to know.

The Democrats are scared to death...

...because they know if Republicans can reclaim just 12% of the Black vote, it will be the Democrats who will be unable to win another election.

A solid increase in Blacks voting Republican could CRIPPLE the Democrat Party for years to come!

The Democrats are watching their stranglehold on Black voters start to slip after decades of failed policies that have enslaved entire generations of minorities to the government plantation.

The tide is turning because proud, Black conservatives like Dr. Carson, Senator Scott, and Sheriff Clarke are recruiting minorities to the Republican Party like never before -- simply by sharing the promise of conservatism.

Democrats are trying to destroy Sheriff ClarkeThat's why liberals are desperate to destroy every Black conservative!

They know the ONLY way to keep Blacks voting for Democrats is to spread the lie that conservatives like you and me are all RACIST.

That's why they call Sheriff Clarke a "traitor to his race."

That's why they're hell-bent on defeating Senator Tim Scott - a rising Republican star known for championing personal responsibility.

And that's why they attack Dr. Ben Carson with articles titled "F*ck Ben Carson" and call him hateful names like "Uncle Tom."

You and I can NOT let this stand!

There is simply too much at stake to let liberal race-baiters continue to attack Black Republicans and spread hate-filled lies about conservatives like you and me.

That's why I'm hoping you'll help FIGHT BACK with a contribution of $20.21, $32, or more TODAY!

Your contribution will be put to use immediately to defend our outspoken, Black conservatives like Dr. Carson, Senator Scott, and Sheriff Clarke from hate-filled liberal attacks.

And your support will go a long way towards helping Black America's PAC Action Fund cultivate the next generation of Black conservative leaders and giving them the extra boost needed to secure their victories.

Democrats are trying to destroy Senator Tim ScottWe helped Mia Love become the first Black female Republican ever elected to Congress, propelled Tim Scott to victory as the first Black Senator elected in the South since Reconstruction, and helped elect outspoken, Black conservatives to office across America...

...and right now, we're on the front lines fighting to save our conservative values by EXPOSING the Liberal Lies and RECLAIMING Black voters to the Republican Party.

So can I count on your contribution of $32 today?

Or perhaps you understand the importance of taking the fight to the Democrats and want to do more...

A generous gift of $75, $150, $500, or more will help Black America's PAC Action Fund purchase radio ads in urban markets across America to spread conservativism to minority communities, where it's needed most.

These issues-based radio ads are absolutely critical if you and I are to reclaim Black voters, protect our values, and end the Democrat Party's reign of terror over the Black Community.

I can tell you from personal experience - once the message of conservatism reaches Black voters, it spreads like wildfire and obliterates the Liberal Lie s that keep Blacks voting for Democrats.

And remember, we can CRIPPLE the Democrat Party for many years by reclaiming Black voters to the Republican Party...

...but we can't do anything without your immediate help.

As a conservative leader in your community, your support is needed now more than ever!

So please join me in fighting back against the Liberal Lies and taking the fight to the Democrats with a contribution of $75, $150, $500, or more TODAY!

Or if you can't afford that much right now, then please give $32, $20.21, or whatever you can as a symbol of your support.

Get this exclusive bumper sticker with ANY donation todayAnd I'll send you this exclusive "Destroy the Liberal Lies" Car Magnet as a special thank you gift for your generous support today.

Together, you and I can END the Liberal Lies by standing strong beside our Black conservatives.

Thank you, and God Bless.

Alvin Williams, President Alvin Williams, President
        Alvin Williams

P.S. If you and I can reclaim just 12% of the Black vote, Democrats will be unable to win another election...

...and nobody knows this more than Democrats.

That's why liberals SCARE Black voters with the vicious LIE that conservatives like you and me are all RACIST!

Your contribution of $20.21, $32, $75, $150, $500, or more will help reclaim Black voters, destroy the Liberal Lies, and take the fight to the Democrats.

Get this exclusive bumper sticker with ANY donation todayAnd to show you how important your response is to me -- I'll send you this exclusive "Destroy the Liberal Lies" Car Magnet as a special thank you gift for your support today.

Thank you and God Bless.


© Black America's PAC Action Fund

Paid for by Black America's PAC Action Fund. Not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee. Contributions are not tax deductible for income tax purposes. Federal law requires us to use our best efforts to collect and report the name, mailing address, occupation, and employer of individuals whose contributions exceed $200 in a calendar year.
