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Dear NCRC members and allies,

2020 made it evident that wealth is not distributed evenly and the barriers to accumulating wealth hinder health, equity and justice for too many individuals in too many communities. 

Looking ahead, we have an opportunity and a responsibility to build an economy that gives everyone a fair chance, and we want you to be a part of that. 

Join us online on May 3-4 for the 2021 Just Economy Conference, the national event for anyone committed to building a just economy.
Register Now
Become a NCRC member and save almost 50% on your conference registration. When you join, you can access all the benefits of NCRC membership including: 
  • Customized research
  • Training and technical assistance to help your organization build capacity
  • Access to the new Member Hub and Just Economy Forum.  
Most importantly, joining NCRC means you can stay connected to a community of changemakers who you can learn from and inspire as we work toward an equitable future for all people. 
Don’t miss your chance to connect with activists, elected officials, policymakers, community leaders, civil rights groups, faith-based organizations and economic and social justice advocates from across the nation. Join NCRC and receive the member discount when you register for the conference today. Members are also invited to participate in our Pre-Conference Advocacy Week April 26-30. When you register, tell us if you will join us for Advocacy Week, so we can keep you informed on when meetings with your policymakers will take place. 

If you’re already registered, make sure to share with your friends and colleagues so they may take advantage of the current prices too!
We can’t wait to “see” you,
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Civil Rights, Fair Lending And Consumer Rights Organizations Call On The Federal Reserve To Strengthen The Community Reinvestment Act [Read more]
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