Forced Labor Slavery took Raju’s childhood. For eight long years, he was separated from his family after a wealthy farm owner’s promise out of poverty turned out to be a lie. But people like you finally reunited them.
Because our supporters never give up in this fight to end all forms of trafficking, Raju finally found his freedom on the day government officials, police and IJM’s team of lawyers and social workers arrived at the farm to bring Raju home.
And your support doesn’t stop there. You also help people once trapped in slavery pursue their healing and restoration.
You allow us to walk step-by-step with survivors, which means Raju and his entire family can continue to work towards restoration through our two-year IJM aftercare program.
“I was 12 years old when the owner promised to pay 12,000 rupees a year for the work he wanted me to do — but I can now make 12,000 rupees in a single month just by working honestly in freedom. My life has really changed,” he says proudly.
But at 21 years old, there’s still a lot of responsibilities for Raju to shoulder — including the education of his two younger siblings, the heart condition of his younger sister and caring for his father and two older stepbrothers who are blind. And all while their case has been stalled due to COVID-19.
Your support means that Raju can take on these responsibilities confidently through IJM aftercare’s constant counselling and mentoring — ensuring that Raju is equipped to advocate to the government for his family’s needs and take on job opportunities that will provide a steadier income to support him and his family.
You can fight for every child, woman and man suffering from Forced Labor Slavery — for their rescue, healing and full restoration. Will you give a gift to help more families like Raju’s thrive in freedom?
International Justice Mission complies fully with federal and state charitable solicitation requirements, and meets all the Standards for Charity Accountability of the Better Business Bureau Wise Giving Alliance. Full State Disclosure information.