How to Secure More Second Gifts Next Week's Fundraisers' Roundtable Hi Brandt,
As all fundraisers know, the “magic” is in the second gift, not the first. Once you get that second gift from a donor, chances are that a third, fourth, and many more gifts will follow for many years to come.
On Thursday, February 25th at 4:00pm ET the Fundraisers Roundtable topic will be How to Secure More Second Gifts.
Among what we will cover:
Most organizations see first-year retention rates in the range of 25% to 30% (and that often drops to as low as 12% to 15% for donors who come through disasters, peer-to-peer, or events). If you can increase your first year-retention rate by just 3% to 5% in 2021, you will not only raise more money now, but will likely continue to see additional revenue in 2022 and beyond.
Your future self (and your organization) will thank you for the effort you make now to secure more second gifts.
So, reserve your place today at our next Fundraisers Roundtable. Bring all your questions and your current first-year retention rate.
Also, here are the slides and the CAL search steps from our last Roundtable on how to message your donors in the time of Covid-19.
Looking forward to seeing you on 2/25.
MELISSA WYERS Executive Director, EveryAction
P.S. If you can’t make it, but would like to attend future Roundtables, sign up here.
The EveryAction Roundtable gathers every other Thursday from 4:00 pm to 5:00 pm ET throughout the year.
Mark your calendar today.
Here are upcoming Fundraisers Roundtable topics:
And I love when you suggest a topic. Send me an email at [email protected].
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