"We must internalize that the conflict cannot be managed over time, but must be resolved at the negotiating table with the intent of establishing two states."
Maj. Gen. (res.) Amram Mitzna, Israel’s chief military commander in the West Bank in the 1980s, former head of Israel’s Labor Party and former mayor of Haifa.

Yossi Alpher is an independent security analyst. Views and positions expressed here are those of the writer, and do not necessarily represent APN's views and policy positions.
Jerusalem, The Hague, Warsaw (February 15, 2021)
Q. Prime Minister Netanyahu’s trial on corruption charges began last week. Is it likely to affect his election chances?
A. No, because the actual presentation of evidence and interrogation of witnesses are not likely to take place before the March 23 election date.
Q. The International Criminal Court in The Hague just issued a decision that it has jurisdiction in the West Bank, Gaza Strip and East Jerusalem. The decision was handed down in response to an appeal by Chief Prosecutor Fatou Bensouda, who wants to investigate suspected war crimes in those territories that were allegedly perpetrated since 2014 by Israel and Hamas. What are the implications for Israel??
A. The war crimes in question could involve the most recent round of heavy IDF-Hamas fighting in and around the Gaza Strip in the course of Operation Protective Edge in July-August 2014. They could in theory also concern Israeli settlements in the West Bank and even Jewish neighborhoods in East Jerusalem.
Q. Lastly, Warsaw. What trial in Poland is relevant here?
A. Last week two distinguished Polish historians lost a libel suit in Poland. They had leveled claims in a book that a Polish WWII mayor had collaborated with the Germans. The mayor’s niece sued them for defaming him, and won a minor settlement.


Tuesday, February 23, 11:00 am (Eastern)
Webinar: Prosecuting the Occupation? - with Michael Sfard
The international Criminal Court (ICC) recently ruled that it has jurisdiction over the West Bank, East Jerusalem and the Gaza Strip — territories under Israeli occupation since 1967. This opens the path for the ICC to launch formal investigations against war crimes suspects, whether Israelis or Palestinians.
What does the ICC’s decision mean for Israel? How is it going to conduct investigations? Are charges against the Israeli individual Israelis imminent? What is the nature of the judicial procedure? Is the threat of ICC proceedings likely to influencing the conduct of the IDF in the occupied territories, or the Israeli government’s West Bank settlement policy? Is it likely to encourage Israel to engage diplomatically with the Palestinians?
Israeli human rights lawyer Michael Sfard will address these and other questions in this webinar on Tuesday, February 23rd, at 11:00 am EST.
Michael Sfard is an Israeli attorney who represents various Israeli and Palestinian human rights and peace organizations, movements, and activists, including Israel’s Peace Now movement. He is an expert in international humanitarian law and international human rights law. He was educated at the Hebrew University in Jerusalem and at University College in London.

Americans for Peace Now Strongly Condemns JNF Board Decision to Buy West Bank Land for Settlements
Americans for Peace Now (APN) strongly condemns the decision by the Jewish National Fund's Executive Board to start officially purchasing land in the West Bank to expand Israeli settlements.
The new JNF policy was approved by a 6-5 Executive Board vote and still requires final approval by the body's Board of Directors in a vote that is scheduled to take place after Israel's March 23rd general elections.

PeaceCast Episode #171: Interview - Shira Efron and Daniel Egel on Future Outcomes for Israelis & Palestinians
Shira Efron and Daniel Egel are co-authors of a unique Rand Corporation report analyzing the attitudes of Israelis and Palestinians toward five different possible outcomes of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. In this episode they share somber insights from the data analysis.

Spread the Word: APN is Hiring!
APN is looking to hire a Strategic Communications and Development Associate. If you, or someone you know, is interested in this position, we ask that you please send a cover letter, your resume, and a short writing sample to: [email protected].
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