Dear John,
Today I am filled with both sadness and hope. Sadness at the explosion of childhood hunger that we’re facing. But also hope at the outpouring of determination and can-do spirit on behalf of our nation’s hungry kids.
And today I am inviting you to add to the hope side of the equation, by joining the ranks of our monthly supporters.
Become a monthly donor today and the Arby’s Foundation will donate an extra $50 to feed hungry kids, up to $50,000.
John, the kids need you more than ever. 1 in 4 kids may be living with hunger today because of the coronavirus. That’s inexcusable, and it’s a problem we can solve together.
As a sustainer, you’ll provide exactly the kind of stable, consistent support we need to keep the meals coming, no matter what.
When you make your first monthly gift by February 28, the Arby’s Foundation will generously donate an additional $50 for your sign up.
I appreciate all you’ve done for kids in need. From the bottom of my heart, thank you in advance for exemplifying the spirit of No Kid Hungry by joining the ranks of our monthly donors.
With gratitude and hope,

Diane Clifford Team No Kid Hungry