You asked us how to move forward with the Texit discussion.  So we asked Fran Rhodes, our President and the gal who heads up all of our legislative efforts, to give us some direction.  Here's what she shared...


With federal government over reach becoming a dangerous reality, Texas sovereignty is on the line and Texans need to be prepared to do something about it.  Clearly - this is an important issue to many of our TTP followers.  Over 300 of you turned out for our TEXIT meeting on Feb 5th, with Representative Kyle Biedermann, and now many of you are asking "What's next?"  What should we be doing to help promote Representative Biedermannn's bill?

Here are a few suggestions:

1)  Contact your State House Representative.  Ask him/her to support HB1359 that would give Texans a voice on the subject.  Also ask them to co-author the bill.  (the more co-authors a bill has, the better chance of getting through committee and eventually to a floor vote).

2)  Contact your State Senator.  Ask him/her to support HB1359 or file a companion bill in the Senate.  (Legislation that has companion bills in both houses has a better chance of getting through the process to a floor vote in one or both houses)

3)  Sign the TEXIT Petition using this link

4)  Write a letter to the editor of your local news paper or community blog or post about it on social media.  You can find information on local newspapers here:

Newspapers | Texas Press Association

Send a copy of your letter to Rep. Biedermann's office at  [email protected].gov  

Talking Points from Rep. Biedermann:
  2. If Texans vote in favor, the bill forms a committee to investigate how TEXIT could be accomplished.  
  3. THIS IS NOT ABOUT THE 2020 ELECTION. The idea and spirit of Texas Independence has been around for many years, and now is the time to move forward with a true plan.  
  4. This vote is not “un-American”, we love America, it’s the unconstitutional behavior of the federal government overstepping its authority that is “un-American”. 
  5. This vote affirms that Texans wish to preserve and strengthen American values and be prepared in the case where the federal government further erodes our freedoms.  
  6. At the end of WWII, there were less than 60 sovereign nations. By the end of the 20th century, there were over 190. In 50 years, 130+ countries decided to assert their right of political independence.
For more information on Representative Biedermann's bill, please see his website:

Need help finding out who your Representative and Senator are, or need contact information?   Click this link, enter your address.  Then click on the name to see the contact information.

Who Represents Me?

Texas Legislative Council

Who Represents Me provides information about current districts and members of the Texas Senate, Texas House of R...

Also feel free to reach out to me if you need assistance or have questions.

For Texas,
Fran Rhodes 
President, True Texas Project

"Some people dream of success...while others wake up and work hard at it every day."


True Texas Project is blowing and going! People are coming to us in droves ready to take action against a bloated government, and we are working as hard as we can to help meet needs, get people trained, and open new locations. We've even got people from out of state seeking our help!  We MUST maximize this opportunity.  We figure we have about a 3-month window to catch folks while they are paying attention, and once we get them, we believe we can hold onto them for life.

All that being said, True Texas Project is funded 100% by donations from individuals.  The BEST way to help us is to donate a set amount every month so we can set a budget, but we love one-time donations too!  You can donate to our general fund (a c4 organization), our PAC (which primarily funds our voter guides during the Primary Election), or to our tax-deductible c3 organization which focuses solely on non-partisan education. Click here for more information and to donate.  We cannot do anything without you, and every bit helps!  Our average donation is $15/month...  That's not a lot, but a little bit from everybody sure adds up!

And don't forget!  Our big fundraiser Texas Tough, Texas Proud is April 17!  Check out this 25-second promo clip, and buy your tickets today!

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