Feb 22 - All counties!
Hot legislative issues

February 22, 2021
6:30pm - 8pm
Mercury Studios
6301 Riverside Dr
Irving / TX


After having to cancel 3 events due to weather, we are all ready to get out, stretch our legs, and see our friends again!   We have rescheduled our conversations with two experts on hot topics currently facing the Texas legislature…

The Texas legislative session only lasts for 140 days every two years, and it is now well underway.  Over 7,000 bills will be proposed, but perhaps few will address topics as significant as we have planned for this meeting:  vaccines and abortion.  Will Texas mandate vaccines for all under the fear of Covid?  Will our freedoms be limited if we refuse?  Is it possible to abolish abortion in Texas, or is that just a topic for fundraising among politicians?  If we do pass a bill, will the courts shoot it down?  These are hot issues.  The best activists are those armed with the truth.  Come learn from two great organizations:  Texans for Vaccine Choice and Abolish Abortion.

True Texas Project

Speakers: Bradley Pierce, Rebecca Hardy, & Jackie Schlegel
Monday, February 22
Location: Mercury One Studios – 6301 Riverside Dr. Irving, TX 75039
5:30-6:00pm – prayer meeting (open to all)
5:45 – $5 pizza begins (while supplies last)
6:30-8:00pm – meeting
All patriots are welcome. Come as you are!
Mask, or no mask. We don’t mind either way!
No dues. No fees. No memberships. No RSVPs.
Coming in late? No worries. We’ll save you a seat.
Need childcare? It’s free. Sign up 48 hours
in advance by emailing [email protected]

         About Bradley Pierce & Abolish Abortion TX

Bradley Pierce is the Executive Director for Abolish Abortion TX (AATX).

Since 2016, Abolish Abortion Texas has been a leading grassroots organization mobilizing Christians to advocate in the political halls of power for the end of elective abortion in Texas.

During the last two legislative sessions in Texas, AATX has written and advocated for bills that have been filed and which if passed would have abolished abortion in Texas.

Representative Tony Tinderholt (R-Arlington) has joined us by filing these bills and boldly advocating for their passage. Others have joined him in co-sponsoring. Sadly, many other leaders in Texas have stood in the way of these bills and the equal protection they provide to all Texans, born and unborn.

AATX is actively recruiting and discipling Texas Christians, pastors and elected officials who believe in the principles of abolition and will join us in this fight.

About Jackie Schlegal 



True Texas Project is blowing and going! People are coming to us in droves ready to take action against a bloated government, and we are working as hard as we can to help meet needs, get people trained, and open new locations. We've even got people from out of state seeking our help!  We MUST maximize this opportunity.  We figure we have about a 3-month window to catch folks while they are paying attention, and once we get them, we believe we can hold onto them for life.

All that being said, True Texas Project is funded 100% by donations from individuals.  The BEST way to help us is to donate a set amount every month so we can set a budget, but we love one-time donations too!  You can donate to our general fund (a c4 organization), our PAC (which primarily funds our voter guides during the Primary Election), or to our tax-deductible c3 organization which focuses solely on non-partisan education. Click here for more information and to donate.  We cannot do anything without you, and every bit helps!  Our average donation is $15/month...  That's not a lot, but a little bit from everybody sure adds up!

And don't forget!  Our big fundraiser Texas Tough, Texas Proud is April 17!  Check out this 25-second promo clip, and buy your tickets today!

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