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YASS, we will!
Elect Yassamin Ansari on March 9!

Canvass for Yassamin Ansari for Phoenix!

Join us as Maricopa County Young Democrats host an canvass for Yassamin Ansari!

We will meet at Cesar Chavez Park at the entrance on 35th Ave and Cesar Chavez Park Rd @ 10am

Bring your favorite walking shoes, a mask, maybe a canvassing bag for literature and a friend!

If you have any question please reach out to Anna Lynn Abeytia via Facebook

RSVP in the Facebook Event link here!

Visit Yassamin's website if you wish contribute to her campaign in other ways! 

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Then like, share or follow our account's content below!

We're committed to a recruiting young people to have an investment in local issues and we appreciate any new curious, friendly faces!
MCYD Twitter
Taylor Costello, Secretary of Maricopa County Young Democrats
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Maricopa County Young Democrats
2914 N Central Ave, Phoenix, AZ
Phoenix, AZ  85004
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Maricopa County Young Democrats · 2914 N Central Ave, Phoenix, AZ · Phoenix, AZ 85004 · USA

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