
In 2020, the U.S. Postal Service faced intentional, direct attacks at the hands of Trump holdover Postmaster General Louis DeJoy, who slowed mail delivery during the pandemic by removing over 600 mail sorting machines. These reckless actions were purposely intended to benefit DeJoy personally, and to implement Trump’s corrupt attempt to destroy the USPS and subvert the presidential election. What's worse, the Postal Board of Governors, which installed DeJoy, has been complicit in these attempts to completely disable and dismantle the USPS.

Americans deserve a functional, public postal service. Sign our petition demanding that President Biden fire DeJoy and the Board of Governors immediately.

DeJoy’s continued tenure as Postmaster General is a threat to our democracy. His policies led to widespread delays affecting mail-in ballots, at a time when voting by mail was the safest and most effective method of casting ballots and therefore more popular than ever before. The current Board of Governors, meanwhile, not only installed someone with an agenda to destroy the agency they are supposed to lead, but it has also been complicit in all of the harmful policies enacted.

A new Board of Governors can set a new direction for the post office, and we can ensure this happens by demanding President Biden immediately appoint members to fill the Board’s three vacancies and subsequently remove DeJoy. Additionally, we must join Congressman Bill Pascrell’s call on President Biden to fire the board members who installed and supported DeJoy for dereliction of duty.

Sign the petition: Save the USPS by firing the Postal Board of Governors and Postmaster General DeJoy. Our democracy depends on it.

In solidarity,

Ben Clements

Chair, Free Speech For People

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