Dear Relatives,
The Indigenous Environmental Network is partnering with United We Dream, Black Lives Matter OKC, Dream Action Oklahoma and the ACLU of Oklahoma to demand the current administration close the migrant concentrations camps.
The administration is moving to make the former Indigenous concentration camp and Japanese Internment camp, Fort Sill, a concentration camp for our Indigenous relatives seeking to cross the so-called American 'border."
Local organizers on the ground in Oklahoma have been trying to lobby those in power asking them to refuse to assist the administration in these horrific actions but those requests have been ignored.
We know the historical trauma and cultural loss that comes along with the pain of concentration camps, of the American government tearing babies from the arms of their parents.
We have the moral responsibility to protect these families, many of whom are migrating due to the climate chaos caused by Americans and assist advocated in Oklahoma by standing alongside them to amplify their voices.
Heartache and pain require no translation and cannot be contained by borders, the impact of dehumanization by the U.S. government echos the same generation after generation. |