The priority must be to restore the principle that a profit motive has no place in health care.



Last week, the government presented its plans to reform the NHS. Although we welcome the proposals to move away from standard competitive tendering and introduce a more coordinated approach, the priority must be to restore the principle that a profit motive has no place in health care. Are you with us?

Caroline Lucas’ NHS Reinstatement Bill - introduced to Parliament almost six years ago - sets out our blueprint to reverse the damage caused by previous governments who believed the market could solve all problems.


Throughout this pandemic, we have seen the resilience and strength of local communities. They are the experts who should be entrusted with the test and trace system, instead of the highly-centralised private companies who have failed. We must see more power passed to the local level.


But the government's new White Paper suggests a central government power-grab in the midst of the greatest crisis ever faced by our NHS. We will continue to call for a publicly funded and locally accountable health care system that is able to treat all of us. Will you support us?

In hope,

Jonathan Bartley, co-leader