Cyntoia Brown in Conversation on Race and the Criminalization of Trafficked Youth

Cyntoia Brown’s pioneering campaign for freedom in 2019 led many to confront the realities of sex trafficking in the United States, including the lack of support for survivors in the criminal justice system, particularly people of color. The tragic reality is that BIPOC trafficking victims are often dismissed as criminals, instead of being recognized as individuals in need of our protection and support. The disproportionate impact of trafficking on communities of color - in both victimization and criminalization - is often overlooked in conversations around the issue. 

Join ECPAT-USA on Feb. 24 at 7 p.m. ET for a critical and urgent discussion of how race and trafficking intersect in the criminal justice system with Cyntoia Brown (now Brown-Long), civil rights attorney Justin Moore, and ECPAT-USA Board Member and Survivors’ Council Member Katrina. This panel will focus on the real-life consequences of these dynamics by centering the lived experiences of survivors.


Demand Justice For Zephi Trevino

Zephi Trevino was 16 years old when her sex trafficker shot her buyer. Last week, Zephi was certified as an adult and currently sits in jail, waiting to stand trial for crimes she didn't commit. Her bond has been set at $750,000 while her trafficker paid $35,000 to be released. No child should be made to pay for the crimes of her trafficker. Take action now and help #FreeZephi.

Introducing The ECPAT-USA Heritage Collection

For 30 years, we have been working to ensure every child has the right to live free from sexual exploitation and abuse. As we enter the next decade, we are excited to debut our new line of fair trade, ethical merchandise, The ECPAT-USA Heritage Collection. All proceeds go directly to support our mission to prevent child sex trafficking and other forms of exploitation. Check out more.

ECPAT-USA is the leading policy organization in the United States seeking to end the commercial, sexual exploitation of children through awareness, advocacy, policy, and legislation. Join us.
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