❄️Bundle up to beat the polar vortex's record-low temperatures. 

⚡️Sound Off: Erin Hawley, senior legal fellow at Independent Women's Law Center, is bravely speaking out about the night dozens of protestors showed up outside of her home and refused to leave, all while she was inside alone with her newborn daughter. Read about her harrowing experience.
  • Cancel Culture Strikes Again: "Social media may provide anonymity, but it does not make it okay to threaten rape or death. And it should go without saying that threatening innocent children—one barely two months old—should be off-limits." Watch Erin's interview with Fox News' Sean Hannity.
  • New Survey: Have you been targeted, harassed, threatened, or bullied (or worse) by those who don’t agree with your political beliefs? Take the survey.


🚨UPDATE: Lawmakers in Mississippi passed the “Mississippi Fairness Act” (Senate Bill 2536) to save girls’ and women’s sports. The bill establishes that, when it comes to public and college athletics in the state of Mississippi, “sex” shall be determined on the basis of biological sex at birth, not gender identity. Dig deeper.
  • Larger Picture: Six other states are considering similar legislation. In Montana, legislators are considering the “Save Women’s Sports Act” (House Bill 112). Legislation like HB 112 would be a big step towards protecting female athletes in our states. Learn more.
Join Us in the Fight To Save Women’s Sports: Allowing male-bodied athletes to compete with female athletes puts women’s physical safety at risk and takes away valuable opportunities for women and girls to participate in and win sporting competitions. 
Demand rules that protect fair play. Make your voice heard.


Joins Us for #IWFReads

Are you confused by the idea that there is no such thing as biological sex, only white people can be racist, science and reason are tools of oppression, knowledge is a social construct, and language is dangerous? Don't miss this exclusive #IWFReads Book Club discussion with Helen Pluckrose.

Sign up to join us on March 18th @ 2pm ET.

Just In


Biden’s Slow Creep Toward ‘Medicare for All’

President Joe Biden has said he doesn’t support Medicare for All, citing the program’s high price tag of $32 trillion. But by reopening Affordable Care Act enrollment on February 15, boosting ACA subsidies (potentially in the next coronavirus package), and calling for a so-called “public option,” Biden essentially supports moving the U.S. to single-payer health care on an incremental installment plan. The Democrats’ strategies to get to single payer—whether by allowing people to buy into government programs or expanding eligibility—all continue our march in this wrong direction.



Equal Rights Amendment

The Equal Rights Amendment (ERA) has been in the news recently and is part of President Biden’s “women’s agenda.”

Can you identify which of the following is not true about the ERA?
A.  Women’s natural rights and basic legal equality are already protected in the U.S.
B.  The ERA will not protect women against the predatory men being exposed by #MeToo or ensure that they are paid equally for the same work.
C.  The ERA is already part of the Constitution because it has received ⅔ votes in both Houses of Congress and 38 states have ratified the amendment.

She Thinks Podcast

  • New Episode: Hear Erica Jedynak, director of Economic Opportunity at Stand Together, as she talks about the threat to worker freedom and flexibility. Listen to it here.
    Or listen on your favorite podcast app:        
  • Next Episode: Listen to Angela Sailor, vice president of Feulner Institute at The Heritage Foundation, discuss religious freedom plus the principles of a free society & how they apply to black Americans or women. Friday (2/19) @ 9am ET. Listen to it here.

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IWF's Hadley Manning in USA Today: Against a Politicized Economy Share this story.

IWF's Patrice Onwuka in Newsmax: It’s Black Moms Who May Solve Spiking Murder Rates Share this story.


Did Boomers Break the Nuclear Family?

If we want to understand the breakdown of the nuclear family, it's important to talk about the government policies that allowed for the replacement of fathers with checks from Uncle Sam. These sorts of policy distinctions may not seem important in the scheme of critiquing an entire generation, but they are the ideas on which families—and even nations—succeed or fail.

Sen. Klobuchar’s New Bill: A Dangerous Signal for Big Tech

If there’s one bipartisan area of agreement in Washington right now, it is to break up Big Tech. This emotion-driven train that hosts liberals and a few conservatives–for very different reasons– has left the station and we may know its first stop. A new bill aims to block companies like Apple, Google, Facebook, and Amazon from buying smaller companies.
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