Activist -

Millions of Americans lost their employer-sponsored health insurance during this pandemic — on top of the millions of Americans who already lacked insurance. There’s much work to be done to transform our fundamentally flawed health care system — but Congress can do a few things right now to help close the coverage gap.

As the House and Senate negotiate on the contents of a final COVID relief package, they must hear from us on key provisions that could expand and protect health care for millions of Americans that need it the most:

  1. Expand the Affordable Care Act with a subsidy boost to make health care plans more affordable for people on unemployment, low-income families, and middle-class families that don’t qualify for assistance now;
  1. Incentivize red states to expand Medicaid, encouraging them to cover health care for up to 4 million low-income Americans who aren’t covered now; and,
  1. Expand emergency funding for Medicaid-provided home and community-based services to enable millions of disabled Americans of all ages to live safely at home.

Join us in contacting your member of Congress and Senators: We need COVID relief now, and we need health care. Keep the provisions in the COVID relief bill that expand and protect health care for millions of Americans!

Thanks for all you do,

Bob Fertik

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