Hello John, what are you interested in?

  1. Wisconsin Redistricting
  2. PSC Public Hearing today at 2pm - Third Party Rooftop Solar
  3. March 350MKE Meeting
350 Milwaukee

Wisconsin District 60 is interesting.  Do you see the square figure 8 area about 1/3 from the right side of the map?  That's part of District 60 that is just a little to the left.  A small morsel for the Salamander!

But no big deal.  Click on the map to go to the maps.legis.wisconsin.gov site.  Zoom in and follow north along the lake shore and you'll see where district 60 donated a couple of morsels to back to district 23.

Fair is fair!

When you're done exploring the map, enter your address at the upper right corner, above the map, to find your state Senator and Representative.  There is a link in the pop-up with their email address.

Write to them now and ask them support Fair Maps.
Especially if they don't support fair maps!

We had a Dynamite February meeting!  Two dynamic speakers addressed gerrymandering and redistricting in Wisconsin.

Did you miss it?
Would you like see it, or portions again?

Link to the video of the full meeting
and a
7 minute segment where Matt Rothschild discusses his expected
Redistricting Timeline

Fair Maps for Wisconsin
Matt RothschildWisconsin Democracy Campaign
Representative Robyn Vining - WI Assembly District 14

Wisconsin Deserves Fair Election Maps is a one hour video providing an in-depth look at gerrymandering in Wisconsin, the Wisconsin Supreme Court Case and grassroots action strategies that have bipartisan support throughout Wisconsin.

Two videos looking at the gerrymandering between Milwaukee and two of the surrounding suburban areas.

2pm TODAY - PSC Public Hearing

Third Party Financing & 
Eagle Point Solar Project in Milwaukee

WI Public Service Commission Docket No: 9300-DR-104

Attend and speak at the public hearing:
Call in by phone: (872) 240-3212
Access code: 903-694-349#

Listen live from the PSC's website
Click "Live Broadcast."

Submit your comment online before 2/23/21.
Search by Docket No: 9300-DR-104, and click "file a comment."

If you can't join today you can sign a petition in support of third party solar here.

Third Party Financing info sheet by RENEW Wisconsin
Read more at CPCSW Newsletter

350 Milwaukee Meeting
Tuesday, March 9, 7 - 8:30pm

Zoom Meeting

Regenerative Agriculture
Healthy Soil & CO2 Balance

John E. Peck
Executive Director, Family Farm Defenders

​John E. Peck grew up on a 260 acre farm in central Minnesota, has a B.A. in Economics from Reed College and a PhD in Land Resources from UW-Madison, where his research focused on community-based management of water, woodland and wildlife in Zimbabwe.  He has been the Executive Director of Family Farm Defenders for the last two decades, and is also a part-time instructor of Economics and Environmental Studies at Madison Area Technical College (MATC).  He was first exposed to the concept of food sovereignty and La Via Campesina through participating in protests in Seattle against the WTO in 1999.  Since then he has had the opportunity to be part of many other solidarity events…


Time: Tuesday, March 9, 7 - 8:30pm
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Shorewood, WI 53211

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