Dear John,
Take action to protect St. James Parish, Louisiana communities and our oceans from Formosa Plastics. |
Formosa Plastics is trying to build a mega-polluting plant in St. James Parish, Louisiana. Take action now.
The plant is located in Louisiana’s notorious “Cancer Alley.” It would impact a predominantly Black community, which already suffers from toxic pollution, and would disturb unmarked burial sites of formerly enslaved people. And the plastic it produces would worsen the crisis of plastic pollution suffocating our oceans.
Biden came into office promising to address problems of environmental injustice. Now is his chance -- the Army Corps of Engineers could revoke the plant’s permit. We’re at a pivotal moment to stop Formosa Plastics, but we need your help.
Protect communities from Big Polluters. Demand Formosa Plastics’ permits be revoked.
Our planet is already overrun with plastic pollution. Every minute, the equivalent of an entire garbage truck of plastic is dumped into our oceans. Plastics don’t disappear -- they just break down into smaller and smaller pieces that eventually make their way into the environment and the water we depend on.
Plastic pellets, like the ones Formosa Plastics has a track record of illegally dumping, are often mistaken for food by marine wildlife. Fish, seabirds, and crustaceans have all been killed from bellies full of plastic. We need your help to protect the planet and our wildlife from plastic pollution.
Take action to protect our oceans from plastic pollution. Demand Formosa Plastics be stopped immediately.
Formosa Plastics is a serial offender of environmental laws, and has damaged communities, waterways and ecosystems in the US and around the world. If the new Formosa Plastics plant is built it will be one of the largest petrochemical complexes in our country -- doubling the amount of toxic pollutants already emitted in St. James Parish.
The surrounding majority Black community is already burdened with unacceptably high pollution levels and cancer rates -- and a COVID-19 death rate that is over five times higher than the national average.
The Biden Administration should be prioritizing environmental justice instead of putting a mega-polluting facility in a community that is already burdened with health problems.
Protect St. James Parish communities from toxic air and water pollution. Stop Formosa Plastics.
Standing with you,
Michelle Chan,
VP of programs,
Friends of the Earth