

40 Days for Life starts TODAY in 567 cities around the world. Visit, find the vigil nearest you, sign up, and go out to pray!

Joe in Chicago saw first-hand how God answers our prayers.

Upon arriving to his 40 Days for Life vigil site, he found the abortion center had gone out of business!

"Praise be to God, FPA Chicago has closed permanently," Joe reported. "The final items [from the abortion business] were carried out yesterday!"


And that's not all! Director of International Campaigns Robert Colquhoun reported that a late-term abortion facility in London has also shuttered its doors following a 40 Days for Life campaign.

The facility did more than 400 late-term abortions a year...

...until it failed a surprise inspection, revealing incompetent employees and insufficiently maintained equipment.

Chicago and London mark the 108th and 109th abortion facilities to go out of business after a 40 Days for Life vigil!

The abortion business in your city can close too! Sign up TODAY to join the 40 Days for Life vigil closest to you:


Want to showcase your 40 Days for Life vigil to the world? Send your best photos and campaign stories to [email protected] for a chance to be featured in a 40 Days for Life email!


Madison, Wisconsin

Subzero temperatures in Madison couldn't dampen enthusiasm as more than 100 people braved snow and ice to hear 40 Days for Life Outreach Director and longtime Planned Parenthood manager Sue Thayer expose her former employer's plan to increase pill-induced abortions.

Sue's talk was timely as the Madison campaign unveiled a new outreach to make women aware that they might be able to reverse their chemical abortion--even after ingesting the first pill.

The local abortion pill reversal physician presented the science and results of abortion pill reversal. The Madison campaign team then distributed 100 signs and many flyers to help educate women that it might not be too late to rescue their baby after taking that first pill.


Hudson, New York

Hudson vigil leader Pastor Craig shared that he was moved to launch a 40 Days for Life campaign in his community after Gov. Andrew Cuomo celebrated a barbaric new law legalizing abortion up to the day of birth by lighting up landmarks across the state in pink.

"We're called as God's people to stand for what's right..." he said. "Regardless of what popular opinion is, regardless of what slander comes your way because of it, God's shown us what's right."

Pastor Craig used the kickoff rally to encourage his volunteers to take heart amidst difficult days. "The tendency can be to get down, to not do anything, to watch the news, to get discouraged," he said.

"[But] we are spirit-filled, blood-bought children of God, filled with light, filled with life, who are called to be instruments of change, vessels for God to use to bring light to darkness!"



Blow the trumpet in Zion! Proclaim a fast, call an assembly. Gather the people, notify the congregation. Assemble the elders; gather the children and the infants at the breast … Let the priests, the ministers of the Lord, weep and say, "Spare, O Lord, your people."

—Joel 2:15-17

Lord, we ask for the strength, courage, wisdom, determination and stamina to carry out this mission according to Your will. Guide us, we pray, as we go forth and proclaim Your truth.

See today's full devotional

Here again is the link to find your closest 40 Days for Life vigil:

For life,


Shawn Carney
President/CEO, 40 Days for Life

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40 Days for Life 4112 E 29th St. Bryan, Texas 77802 United States (888) LIFE-316