Sign now to urge President Biden to fill ALL of the vacancies on its the USPS Board of Governors and give them enough votes to fire DeJoy! >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

People for the American Way

Biden must fill empty seats on the USPS Board of Governors so they can vote out DeJoy! Sign now >>

People For Member,

The U.S. Postal Service has never been in greater peril than it is under its current leadership. Donald Trump may now be out of office, but his crony, Louis DeJoy, is still the Postmaster General. And DeJoy seems intent on harming the U.S. Postal Service as much as possible in the midst of a once-in-a-century pandemic. President Biden has a unique opportunity to prevent further harm from being visited upon the Postal Service and those it serves by filling all the vacant seats currently on the Postal Service’s governing board.

DeJoy has been called to testify before a House of Representatives panel next week in advance of rolling out his new ‘strategic vision’ for the Postal Service, and we need to raise as much awareness about his terrible leadership before he takes the stand.

Sign now to urge President Biden to fill ALL of the vacancies on the USPS Board of Governors and give them enough votes to fire DeJoy! >>

Once the new governors are confirmed by the Senate, there will be enough Democratic votes on the board to both finally oust DeJoy as Postmaster General and enable the agency’s leadership to make the service improvements the Postal Service sorely needs.

Only 38 percent of mail was delivered on time at the end of 2020, after DeJoy’s changes had been roiling the battered agency for a good part of the year. And this month, two people briefed on DeJoy’s “strategic vision” have revealed that he intends to ban air transport for first-class mail at a time when successful delivery rates are already historically low.[1] For DeJoy to implement changes that will slow mail service in the midst of a pandemic – during which receiving medications and paying bills by mail have continued to be a lifeline for millions of Americans – could be catastrophic.

Help us get enough votes to remove DeJoy by urging President Biden to fill the USPS Board’s vacant seats! >>

It’s imperative that we save the Postal Service, one of our country’s most relied-upon and beloved institutions. To do that, we need your help in the lead-up to DeJoy’s record of incompetence being on full display at next week’s House hearing.

Take action and then spread the word: Biden must act immediately to save the post office from DeJoy! >>

Thanks for all that you do!

In community,

Sarah, Digital Campaigns Associate




[1] “Postmaster general’s new plan for USPS is said to include slower mail and higher prices.” (The Washington Post, 02/12/2021.)




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