Please read this note from my friend Jon Bon Jovi, then consider chipping in to help us hit our $1.7 million fundraising goal before Monday. - Cory


As a lifelong New Jerseyan myself, I’ve seen the great things Cory has done for our state, whether it’s fighting to protect our coasts from offshore drilling, reinvigorating our local economy, or enacting historic criminal justice reform --to name just a few of his many accomplishments.

What I think is even more important, though, is that he’s someone who has spent his entire career bringing people together to take on our biggest challenges. This is a serious moment in our nation’s history. We’re deeply divided in a way we haven’t been in a long time.

I believe we need to respond with a strong call for unity and a renewed sense of shared purpose. I can’t think of anyone better than Cory Booker to rise to the challenge. He is the right leader for this moment.

Cory needs all of us to step up right now so we can hit his $1.7 million end-of-quarter goal. Are you able to send in a donation today?

To put it simply, I think Cory Booker is a great man who would do an amazing job in the White House. I’m lucky to call him a friend, and all of us would be lucky to call him our president.

I hope you’ll join me in supporting him.

Jon Bon Jovi
Jon Bon Jovi



Paid for by Cory 2020

P.O. Box 32009 Newark, NJ 07102 | All content © 2019 Cory 2020, All Rights Reserved.

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