Welcome to Wednesday, February 17th, socks and shoes...

Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC) threatened Vice President Kamala Harris with a potential impeachment trial if the GOP takes control of the House.

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In an appearance on "Fox News Sunday," Graham referenced a tweet Harris sent on June 1, asking followers to consider contributing to the Minnesota Freedom Fund, a nonprofit organization that assists low-income individuals who need money for bail. The Fund assisted jailed protesters during the George Floyd protests.

"We've opened Pandora's box to future presidents," Graham told Fox News, referring to the second impeachment trial of Donald Trump.

Would you support impeaching Kamala Harris?

America's 63rd National Park: New River Gorge

In addition to doling out COVID-19 relief and funding the government, the coronavirus omnibus elevated New River Gorge in southern West Virginia from a national preserve to become the country's 63rd national park.

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This is the culmination of a decades-long effort to transform a former industrial area into a national landmark. The gorge and its surrounding areas are prized as one of southern West Virginia's most spectacular natural places and a premier destination for adventure sports in the East.

The park contains about 72,000 acres of land that are used for white-water rafting, rock climbing, and biking.

Enjoy national parks? Consider getting an America the Beautiful Pass. They're a great gift for loved ones.

Will you visit the nation's newest national park?

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Shirley Anita St. Hill Chisholm (1924-2005) was the first African American woman in Congress (1968) and the first woman and African American to seek the presidential nomination. Indeed, Vice President Kamala Harris honored Chisholm during her recent inauguration:

As a Congresswoman, "Fighting Shirley" championed racial and gender equality, addressing poverty, and ending the Vietnam War. She also became the first Black woman (and second woman) to serve on the House Rules Committee in 1977.

She sought the 1972 Democratic Party presidential nomination despite discrimination, including being blocked from participating in televised primary debates, under-financing of her campaign, and contentiousness from the predominantly male Congressional Black Caucus (CBC).

Read more about Chisholm's legacy here.

And, In The End...

Sauer that kraut for National Cabbage Day.

Image result for National Cabbage Day

I miss Cabbage Patch Kids,

—Josh Herman

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