I am one of the people who is benefitting from HOPE not hate's work on countering radicalisation amongst young people and I wanted to say thank you.
HOPE not hate

Hello John,

I'm the head of a school in Essex and I asked HOPE not hate if I could email in response to their 'Signs of Hate' book.

I've worked with Owen and the HOPE not hate Charitable Trust team for a while - and the new 'Signs of Hate' resource will make a huge difference to teachers in my school and in schools around the country. It gives us vital insights into the language to look out for and the symbols we should be alarmed by seeing. This is so important to helping spot those young people who have been exposed to the hate and extremism of the far right online.

I wanted to say thank you. Because dozens of supporters have signed up to become members, the HOPE not hate team will now be able to deliver trainings directly to teachers in schools around the country.

Thank you to those of you who joined. It means so much to teachers to know that there are organisations like HOPE not hate - and it's members - who are helping us in this way.

If you haven't joined yet and would like to help counter the spread of far right ideas amongst school students, it's easy to join.

Help teachers counter the far right

Thank you again - I can't wait to get Owen and his HNH team in to speak to our teachers. I know how much it will help them counter this problem.

Best wishes,


Head of a school in Essex and HOPE not hate supporter