From Union City <[email protected]>
Subject Hiring Hall: “No one should be scared away from care”
Date February 17, 2021 10:45 AM
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Commonwealth Institute for Fiscal Analysis staff organizes

NNU: "No one should be scared away from care"

Tell your senator to support hazard pay for food workers

Today's Labor History

Today's Labor Quote: Amy Waters

Hiring Hall: DC-area union staff jobs!

TODAY'S LABOR CALENDAR; [link removed] click here for latest listings

Union City Radio: 7:15am daily
WPFW-FM 89.3 FM; [link removed] click here to hear today's report

[link removed] Labor Radio Podcast Network livestream show: Wed, February 17, 7pm - 8pm
Guests: Josh Brewer, lead organizer for RWDSU; Wayne Blanchard, UAW 2B Ohio and Indiana Regional Director; Mike Klemm, IAM District 141

Union City Radio: Your Rights at Work: Thu, February 18, 1pm - 2pm: WPFW 89.3 FM or [link removed] listen online
Guests: Peter Cole on "Ben Fletcher: The Life and Times of a Black Wobbly" and Laura Warren Hill on "Strike the Hammer: The Black Freedom Struggle in Rochester, New York, 1940-1970."

Baltimore Labor Council meeting: Thu, February 18, 7pm - 9pm
Email for call-in details: mailto:[email protected] [email protected]

[link removed] NoVA Labor Monthly Meeting: Thu, February 18, 7pm - 9pm

Missed last week's Your Rights At Work radio show? Catch it here now: [link removed] Worked Over: How Round-the-Clock Work Is Killing the American Dream.

Commonwealth Institute for Fiscal Analysis staff organizes
The staff of The Commonwealth Institute for Fiscal Analysis (TCI), based in Richmond, VA, have organized with the Nonprofit Professional Employees Union (NPEU) to form TCI United. TCI United has requested voluntary recognition from management, which has indicated that it's supportive of this effort. "One of TCI's core values is that its organizational culture, staff, partners, strategies, and investments should work to advance racial and economic justice within and beyond the organization," said TCI United, adding that TCI staff "are deeply committed to our mission, and believe one of the best ways to realize it is to organize and form a union." TCI Board Chair Latoya Asia said that "The Board and management of TCI look forward to our continuing efforts to make TCI the most effective organization it can be."
[link removed] Read more here.

NNU: "No one should be scared away from care"
National Nurses United member Kim Walsh, RN, yesterday urged the Maryland legislature to pass HB565 to protect patients from medical debt lawsuits and predatory debt collection. "No one should be scared away from care or forced into bankruptcy when they get needed care," NNU tweeted.
- [link removed] from our MWC affiliate Twitter stream.

Tell your senator to support hazard pay for food workers
UFCW members have been working and dying during this pandemic, reports UFCW 400. "To date, 374 UFCW members have died due to COVID-19 and over 69,900 members have been infected or exposed to the virus." Food workers have been reporting to work throughout the pandemic and deserve to be compensated for the extreme risk that they and their families face every day, says Local 400. [link removed] Click here to send a message to your state's congressional leaders about what these workers are facing on the frontlines and to stress the urgent need to fight for hazard pay.

Today's Labor Quote: Amy Waters

"We are now the first private hospital in North Carolina with a union. And we are the largest newly formed union in the South, since the 1970s."

Amy, a nurse at Mission Hospital in Asheville, North Carolina, helped organize a union there with NNU last year; hear her on today's [link removed] Union City Radio.

Today's Labor History
This week's Labor History Today podcast: [link removed] The Valentine's Day Strike of 1921.
Last week's show: [link removed] Remembering John Sweeney and Anne Feeney

63 sit-down strikers, demanding recognition of their union, are tear gassed and driven from two Fansteel Metallurgical Corp. plants in Chicago. Two years later the U.S. Supreme Court declared sit-down strikes illegal. The tactic had been a major industrial union organizing tool - 1937

Unions at Yale University strike in solidarity with teaching assistants - 1992

- David Prosten

Hiring Hall: Plus dozens more DC-area union jobs; [link removed] click here!

[link removed] Digital Communications Director, Working America (a community affiliate of the AFL-CIO) (Posted: 2/12/2021)

[link removed] Labor radio/podcast volunteer wanted: Be a part of the rapidly-growing Labor Radio Podcast Network's [link removed] production team. Previous radio or podcast experience not necessary but helpful. [link removed] Click here if interested and be sure to include "Labor radio/podcast volunteer" in the message section.

[link removed] Assistant General Counsel, LCV (League of Conservation Voters) (Posted: 2/12/2021)

[link removed] Deputy Director for Worker Campaigns, ACRE (Action Center on Race and the Economy) (Posted: 2/12/2021)
[link removed] Field Representative, AFSCME (ACE-AFSCME Local 2250) (Posted: 2/11/2021)

[link removed] Digital Organizer, Pandemic Organizing Initiative (A joint project of Warehouse Workers for Justice (WWJ) and the UE Research and Education Fund (UEREF) (Posted: 2/10/2021)
[link removed] Senior Organizer, SEIU (Service Employees International Union - International Positions) (Posted: 2/16/2021)

[link removed] Legislative Representative, TTD (Transportation Trades Department, AFL-CIO) (Posted: 2/12/2021)

[link removed] Economic Research Officer, ITUC CSI IGB (International Trade Union Confederation) based in Washington, DC (Once appointed, the postholder could either be based at the ITUC head office in Brussels, the Washington DC office in the USA, or telecommute from some other location.) (Posted: 2/12/2021)

Material published in UNION CITY may be freely reproduced by any recipient; please credit Union City as the source for all news items and as the source for Today's Labor History.

Published by the Metropolitan Washington Council, an AFL-CIO "Union City" Central Labor Council whose 200 affiliated union locals represent 150,000 area union members. DYANA FORESTER, PRESIDENT.

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