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Wednesday, February 17th, 2021

5 Questions To Ask Your Friends Who Plan To Get the Covid Jab

Kit Knightly

Now Even Classical Music Is Racist

Frank Furedi

Is a Revolutionary Movement Developing in Europe?

Paul Craig Roberts

Critics Must Be Silenced for Billionaires To Keep Profiting From Pandemic

Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.

A Note on the Second Amendment

Laurence M. Vance

‘They Didn’t Isolate the Virus’

Chief Chinese epidemiologist tells NBC News—referring to samples taken from the Wuhan market a year ago. Jon Rappoport

The Post-American World; Crooke, Escobar, Blumenthal, and Marandi Lay It All Out

YouTube Video

Biden, Commander of the ‘True Believers’

Thierry Meyssan

The Web of Players Trying To Silence Truth

Dr. Joseph Mercola

Will the Radical Left Reunite the GOP?

Patrick J. Buchanan

America’s Out of Control Teens Are on a Historic Crime Spree

Michael Snyder

From ‘Event 201’ to ‘Cyber Polygon’: The WEF’s Simulation of a Coming ‘Cyber Pandemic’

Johnny Vedmore and Whitney Webb

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