
Far-right Congressman Andy Biggs continues to hide the truth about his actions, relationships and his agenda.

His daily barrage of tweets condemning the left and playing the victim card are meant to distract us from his alleged involvement with Ali Alexander, the self-proclaimed organizer of the Stop the Steal rally.

Rep. Biggs says he doesn't know Alexander and he wasn't involved. But, connections between the two continue to surface in the media.

We can't allow Biggs to deny his way out of this.

That's why my team is working to secure billboard space in the district. Imagine the influence this would have, a strong reminder about who Biggs really is.

Friend, can you help us reach our goal of $3200 this week to get the billboard and a related mail campaign going?

As the Freedom Caucus leader, Andy Biggs holds a dangerous amount of power in the GOP, and his actions must never be excused or forgotten.

In addition to his alleged involvement in the attack on January 6th, Rep. Biggs has taken the following actions, which prove him unfit to serve and protect.

  • He appeared on video mocking masks and refusing to wear one during the Capitol lockdown.
  • He was an informal adviser to Trump's legal team during impeachment.
  • He voted to overturn the election results in both Arizona and Pennsylvania.
  • He asked Arizonans to unmask, and he has voted against ALL COVID-19 relief.

Thank you for the support and for standing with us.

Stay safe,
- Joan Greene