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FN 509 LS Edge - FN-USA's Do-Everything Race Gun ~ VIDEO
by James Grant

There are some guns that until you shoot them, you never knew you wanted or needed them, and the new FN 509 LS Edge is a prime example of this.

Don't get me wrong, the FN 509's core design is very competent. It's perfectly reliable, offers solid accuracy, and isn't terribly expensive. But it lacks that certain je ne sais quoi of FN's other designs. It doesn't look strange, operates uniquely, or has a history of use with tier one operators.



Henry Frontier Threaded - The Ultimate 22 Suppressor Host
by James Grant
Some of my all-time favorite guns to shoot are lever-action rifles like the Henry Frontier. Something about the entirely analog, user-controlled mechanics of them just makes the entire experience just that, an experience. Yes, there are more modern, more efficient firearms that outperform these guns, but few can capture the magic of pinging a distant tin can with an old-school brass bead sight.

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