I wanted to make sure you saw this note from last week, John.

The GOP has already announced their plans to target at least 14 of our endorsed candidates in the 2022 cycle. They’re getting to work building resources and raising money to win back the House next November.

Pretty soon, they’ll start running attack ads against our endorsed candidates.

John, we can’t afford to fall behind right out of the gate. Help us match their resources by making a contribution today so that we can support candidates like Elissa Slotkin, Mikie Sherrill, Colin Allred, and the rest of our endorsed House Members.



National Political Director
Serve America


---Forwarded message---



The National Republican Congressional Committee (NRCC), the GOP’s political machine, has already released its top targets for 2022, and a staggering 14 of our endorsed incumbent Members of Congress are on their list.

National Republicans know that 2022 is an opportunity for them to win back control of the House during the midterms. They also know that they need to start their smear campaigns early if they’re going to win.

Will you make a contribution to Serve America today so we can provide resources to Elissa Slotkin, Mikie Sherrill, Colin Allred, and the rest of our NRCC-targeted endorsed House Members?

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Let’s be real, John. Despite flipping the Senate and beating Donald Trump, Democrats only have control of Congress by razor-thin majorities. Republicans got lucky in a bunch of races, and now our Democratic Majority in the House is hanging on by a thread.

If the Biden-Harris Administration is going to continue making progress for the American people, we have to make sure we don’t lose control of the House next year. A Republican-controlled House and/or Senate would mean disastrous roadblocks for our progressive agenda.

That’s why we’re beginning our work early to make sure we hold on to our Democratic Majority. Please rush a contribution today if you can:

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Thank you,

Serve America